Saturday, November 8, 2008

Panic Attacks 7 Ways to End Panic Now

Do Panic Attacks Control Your life?

Click Here to Find Out the Fastest Way to End Panic Attacks

When you suffer from panic attacks, you feel on edge almost all of the time wondering when the next one will attack and more afraid that the next one will be worse than the last. When it does attack, you often feel chest pain, nausea, dizziness, constricted breathing and often feel that you are going to die. For people with panic disorder, an anxiety attack can be so terrifying that they will do anything to stay away from any situation that might lead to an attack. Sometimes the fear of an attack is so strong that it keeps you in your home, unable to leave. If you suffer from this problem, take comfort, there is a way to Cure Panic Attacks.

My 7 Best Tips for Controlling Panic

Click Here for the Best Way to End Panic Fast

Step 1 Remove yourself from the situation. When you have a panic attack it often helps to remove yoursel from the situation as soon as you begin to feel the warning signs of your attack. It is good to find a safe place, such as your vehicle or washroom, where you can calm down in private. Only choose a place that makes you feel in control, comfortable, and secure.

Step 2 Stay Present.

Next you need to stay mentally present and analyse what is really happening. That means you need to stay focused on what is actually happening and not what you think might happen to you. You need to analyse and pay attention to exactly what you are actually experiencing. My heart rate is elevated, my breathing is faster, I feel nauseous, and dizzy. Do not think about what these symptoms might mean, just pay attention and analyse what your fear level is as you are noticing each symptom. My heart rate is elevated and my fear level is a 6, I feel dizzy and my fear level is a 7, etc. If you focus on the present, what you are actually feeling (without imagining scary possible meanings and consequences) you often notice your fear level drop.

Step 3 Breathe Deeply.

As you are paying attention and analysing it helps to breathe deeply. Combining deep breathing with the above technique is a very quick way to help stop a panic attack from embarrassing you. Breathing deeply enables your body to get the oxygen it needs (which helps to counteract the dizziness that often happens during a panic attack). Deep breathing is a technique that is very important to learn if you want to quickly control your panic level. You might have also heard it called diaphragmatic breathing because you breathe deeply from the bottom of your diaphragm. When you are experiencing rising anxiety and panic it can sometimes be difficult to focus on breathing deeply from your diaphragm so it is good to practice breathing deeply when you are feeling under control to get you in the habit of breathing deeply when the panic hits.

Remember Click Here For The Fastest Way to End Panic Now!

Step 4 Use Rational Affirmations.

Another useful strategy is to repeat affirmations out loud. I like to pick a rational statement like “I am in control of my own body “or “I will be fine, this will pass” or “No one has ever died from a panic attack” repeat it to yourself slowly over and over again. Breathing deeply and repeating your statement slowly can actually have a meditative effect on you. It is important to pick a phrase that makes sense to you, and will help you feel more comfortable (even a phrase like “I like pretty flowers” can work if it helps you focus your thinking and to reduce your fear level).

Step 5: Talk to Someone.

Millions of people in our country suffer from panic attacks. One of the biggest mistakes that many of them make is to try and deal with the panic attacks on their own. Trying to hide this problem from other, especially those closest to you actually makes your panic and anxiety worse. Talking is an effective way to deal with an attack. Talk to your spouse or another person who will supportive your and listen to what you’re feeling. Make sure you pick someone who can listen without being judgemental and is willing to help you work through your anxiety. Talking to someone else has an added benefit of focusing your mind on something other than the attack itself.

Step 6: Get Professional Counselling.

Remember panic attacks are a common medical condition and you do not have anything to be embarrassed about. There are many treatment options out there that can help you deal with panic attacks. Professional counselling is a wonderful treatment options that can help you see your problem from the 40,000 foot perspective and give you useful actionable strategies to work with.

Step 7: Find Out if you Need Medication.

If your anxiety symptoms are only mild to moderate level, then counselling and natural cures (such as the techniques we have discussed) will almost always help you to control your anxiety. Sometimes when the problem is severe enough or is combined with other medical problems like clinical depression you need the help of medication to put your brain in a place where you can use other techniques to control your anxiety. It has been my experience that drugs never cure the problem, but sometime there are neurological imbalances that need drugs so that you can use other strategies to cure yourself.

Wikipedia on panic attacks

Wikipedia is where I started my informational journey online, lots of great information about panic attacks, but remember information isn’t always steps you can use and follow. Be sure to check outThe Best Way To End Panic Fast for the easiest way I've found to take control of your own panic and anxiety attacks and finally live your life again.

What Wikipedia has to say:

“Panic attacks are sudden, discrete periods of intense anxiety, mounting physiological arousal, fear, stomach problems and discomfort that are associated with a variety of somatic and cognitive symptoms. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders The onset of these episodes is typically abrupt, and may have no obvious triggers. Although these episodes may appear random, they are a subset of an evolutionary response commonly referred to as fight or flight that occur out of context. This response floods the body with hormones, particularly epinephrine (adrenaline), that aid in defending itself from harm.Bourne, E. (2005). The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook, 4th Edition: New Harbinger Press. Experiencing a panic attack is said to be one of the most intensely frightening, upsetting and uncomfortable experiences of a person’s life.

According to the American Psychological Association the symptoms of a panic attack commonly last approximately thirty minutes. However, panic attacks can be as short as 15 minutes, while sometimes panic attacks may form a cyclic series of episodes, lasting for an extended period, sometimes hours. Often those afflicted will experience significant anticipatory anxiety and limited symptom attacks in between attacks, in situations where attacks have previously occurred, and in situations where they feel “trapped”. That is, where escape would be obvious and/or embarrassing.

Panic attacks also affect people differently. Experienced sufferers may be able to completely “ride out” a panic attack with little to no obvious symptoms or external manifestations. Others, notably first-time sufferers, may even call for emergency services; many who experience a panic attack for the first time fear they are having a heart attack or a nervous breakdown.”

P.S. If you learn just one thing from this post, I hope it’s this

You Can Control Your Anxiety Now

P.S. If you learn just one thing from this post, I hope it’s this You Can Control Your Anxiety Now. Often the most effective way to cure panic attacks is the simplest way. Really, most times its the simple things that give you the best results. Do you want to be completely panic and anxiety free? Find out the Fastest way to End Anxiety now and give yourself the chance to End Panic Attacks for good. Remember You can take your life back, you can be in control. Its time for you to decide today that its time to live fear free again!

Take Control of Your Panic Attacks, Click Here!

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